We welcome you to our Düsseldorf studio for Reformer Pilates. Our revolutionary Pilates classes help prevent future injury and increase flexibility and strength. Let yourself be challenged with diversified classes that will build muscle, burn fat and increase your fitness.
Our Pilates Classes
Dynamic Reformer Training

A fusion of functional strength and flexibility training that will strengthen your core, improve your flexibility and prevent injury
High Intensity Reformer Training

A fusion of muscle burning and muscle toning strength, flexibility, cardio, and endurance training that will push you beyond your limits.
Which Pilates class is the most suitable for me?
High Intensity Reformer Training
Our high intensity reformer classes will push you to your physical limits, thereby increasing your aerobic capacity, physical strength, dynamic flexibility and endurance.
Dynamic Reformer Training
Our dynamic reformer classes focuses on mobility, functional stability, core stability, flexibility, strength and posture. Despite being suitable for all fitness levels, these classes are still physically challenging for every participant.
Discover what makes our Pilates Reformer training unique
Our revolutionary Reformer training is the key that will unlock your true physical potential and take your health and fitness to the next level
Train smarter, not longer!
Your time is valuable, we understand that. Due to the dynamic nature of our efficiently designed whole body toning 60 minute classes, you will be feeling and looking great with minimal time outlay.
Benefits of our Reformer Pilates classes in Düsseldorf
- Verbessert Koordination, Gleichgewicht und Aufmerksamkeit
- Verbessert Schultergürtel- und Armkraft
- Verbessert Wirbelsäulenstabilität, Beweglichkeit und Körperhaltung
- Verbessert Rumpfkraft und Stabilität
- Verbessert Becken- und Hüftkraft
- Verbessert Gelenkigkeit, Kraft und Muskeltonus
- Verbessert Herz-Kreislauffunktion
What makes our reformer pilates classes so unique?
- High Intensity Reformer Training
- Dynamic Reformer Training