Frequently asked questions

New clients can choose from both classes with or without previous reformer training experience. However it is important to keep in mind that our high intensity classes are physically demanding and for some people with below average fitness, these classes may be initially too difficult. If in doubt, start off with our Dynamic Reformer Training classes.

We use the Mindbody Booking System for the booking of our classes. The booking of classes can be done by simply logging into our booking system found on our website or using the Mindbody App and then searching Pilates am Zoo. Once logged in, all classes can be managed including the purchasing, booking in, changing and cancelling of classes.

At present our Pilates classes are not covered by either Private or State insurers.

The missing of a class leads to us not being able to offer this class to anybody else. If this does occur, unfortunately you will not be reimbursed for this class.

We understand that for unforeseeable reasons that participation in classes sometimes needs to be cancelled at short notice.  However we do request that cancellations be undertaken at least 8 hours prior to the classes start time. Failure to do this will lead to us charging you for this class.

By using your login details to login to our booking system, you can simply place yourself on the waiting list for any fully booked class. If a space becomes available in this class, you will receive an SMS or email informing you of this. Upon receiving this SMS or email, you then can reply to us with either a J to accept the offer or an N to pass this offer onto the next person on the waiting list.

We strongly advise all clients to inform us at the beginning of class if there are any current or new injury issues that may be prone to exacerbation through Pilates. If there are any new changes to your health such as recent operation or serious illness, please inform us immediately. Please note, neither of our classes are rehabilitation classes. Information pertaining to our rehabilitative approach can be found under

For safety reasons our classes are not to be undertaken during pregnancy. After birth however, our workouts offer an ideal way to re-train the pelvic floor and to return back to ones previous level of fitness.

After all classes, it is expected that all used reformers are wiped down with the provided paper towel and disinfectant spray. All personal items such as phones or jewellery should be stored in the lockable lockers found in the Pilates room.

For those who sweat excessively, it is recommended that a towel be brought to class.

We recommend that general clothing that allows free unrestricted movement to be worn. It is preferable that the clothing is relatively close fitting, as this allows us to correct your technique much easier.